I'm freaking terrified, how about you?

I'm freaking terrified, how about you?

My name is Carles Gomila, artist and Director of Quarantine, and I'm freaking terrified.

Let me explain.

I've spent years trying to be a better artist, and you know what? I've come to a not-so-sophisticated conclusion:

You just need to change how you see things.

That's it.

All of it.


This discovery got a bit out of hand, and I created an experiment with artists on a real quarantine island.

Totally nuts.

A Purgatory for Artists. A place between heaven and hell where you can change your perspective.

Art schools are necessary, but they don't teach you to question methods, use your fear, or celebrate your vulnerability.

They create invisible, unobjectionable artists.

And those artists end up being good teachers who teach unquestionable techniques to good students, who then become frustrated as artists and become unquestionable teachers...

But you don't want to get stuck in that loop, do you?

You want to ride the good wave of art schools without falling into the deadly trap, right?

Look, they don't do it on purpose. They're good people. They're not the villains here. But the world doesn't need more good art students.

The world needs unapologetic artists who, despite their terror, show who they really are.

What you'll do in Quarantine isn't what you do in your studio, with all those demons flying around and notifications constantly breaking the magic. No mentors. No community. No plan.

Look, I'm not going to lie. You can change your perspective on your own and blow those €3,270 on a wicked weekend.

I've done it, and it is possible.

Not the blowing money part, I haven’t been so fortunate; the perspective change part, I have.

Anyway, I'm rambling.

The point is, the experiment has shown there are ways to change how you see things without losing your identity and to unlock your creativity.

Hear this again, because it's very important:

The world needs unapologetic artists who, despite their terror, show who they really are.

Tell me you don't want to be that kind of artist.

Dare to say you're not insecure. That you're not terrified and confused.

Come on, we all are.

And those artists you admire? Well, I know many great artists personally, and I assure you they're just like you. But keep pushing, despite everything, giving it their all. They see things differently...

Because there are options. I promise there are options.

Things can be seen differently.

So let's see if we can make you an unapologetic artist.

I believe it's possible.

There's a chance you can be that kind of artist. Terrified, yes, but with your head held high.

That artist who, even when scared shitless, faces the world as they are. And CONNECTS.

Let's see if we can make it happen once and for all:

Let's make you a free artist, not despite your mess, but thanks to it.

P.S. 1 - Don't worry, you'll still be imperfect, but a better artist. The door: ↑ up there ↑

P.S. 2 - The next edition, "The Art Spirit," is coming in April 2025. Mentors: Michael Hussar, Jeremy Mann, James McCrae, Nadezda, Sainer, and Martin Wittfooth.


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