Carles Gomila
Carles Gomila

Carles Gomila


Carles Gomila

Director, marketing.

Carles Gomila is a professional artist with 25 years of experience. In 2015, he founded Menorca Pulsar, an art retreat with an excellent international reputation.

In 2022, he founded Quarantine, designed for artists who strive to give meaning to their training. He is currently the company director in charge of concept, marketing and audiovisual production.

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My name is Carles Gomila, and I designed this program.

I’m an artist.

First thing you should know about me:

I'm not an academic,

not a top artist,

and I don't have any fancy degrees in teaching or therapy. No prestigious art school background.

I speak from the authority of failure and figuring things out the hard way.

That's my expertise.

For years I organized painting workshops because I thought they were good.

Now I know that’s not entirely true.

I created Quarantine to radicalize what works and eliminate what doesn’t.

Everything I do comes from my own experience.

I don’t operate on hearsay.

At Quarantine, you’ll learn to unlock your creative power,

not to be a good student or paint pretty pictures.

Because being an artist is something else:

it’s transmitting emotion, it’s connecting on a deeper level.
