Purgatory for Artists

Purgatory for Artists

At Quarantine, unlocking artists is our thing. And 97% of participants say we’re damn good at it. Other stuff? Not so much. But in this, you won’t find anything like it anywhere else.

Before you start reading, know that our program is expensive, exhausting, and hard to get into.

You’ll soon see why.

Look, this just isn’t for everyone. For us to help you, you need to have basic technical skills and an open mind.

If you’re looking for magic formulas like "do this and you’ll paint the perfect head," forget it. The world is screaming for you to grab it by the horns and make it feel alive again.

Here we paint souls, not heads.

We won’t kiss up to you. We’ll treat you like the artist you are and demand that you think and act accordingly.

And you will.

Oh, you will. At first, it’ll be hell. It’ll hurt. You’ll end the week exhausted but satisfied. Because you’ll have grown. And when you get home, you’ll remember the journey.


My name is Carles Gomila, and I designed this program. I’m an artist.

First thing you should know about me: I'm not an academic, not a top artist, and I don't have any fancy degrees in teaching or therapy. No Master's degrees, no prestigious art school background.

Doesn't make me feel good or bad. It just is.

If that's a deal-breaker, here’s the truth: I speak from the authority of failure and figuring things out the hard way.

That's my expertise.

For years I organized painting workshops because I thought they were good. Now I know that’s not entirely true. I created Quarantine to radicalize what worked and eliminate what didn’t. Everything I do comes from my own experience.

I don’t operate on hearsay.

At Quarantine, you’ll learn to unlock your creative power, not to be a good student or paint pretty pictures. Because being an artist is something else: it’s transmitting emotion, it’s connecting on a deeper level.


We’ve helped hundreds of artists find their own voice. We sell neither tricks nor recipes. We sell a mindset that will change your art.

This program isn’t for everyone, and you need to go through an interview to get in.

If you have the courage to challenge yourself, confront your fears, and use your vulnerability as creative power, Quarantine is for you.

We don’t want fans or trick hunters. We’re looking for artists willing to dive into the unknown, to let themselves be transformed, to allow themselves to be reborn.

To cut the crap once and for all.

So, I don’t have what you’re looking for, but I have what you need. This:


There’s an… island.

Not a school.

An island.

A refuge.

A place to RESET, break away, respite, give yourself a chance.

A walled fortress where you can turn limitations into tools and celebrate your vision without judgment.

We’ve created something unique. No phones, no distractions. Just you, your art, and a community of kindred spirits whose names, faces, and conversations you’ll certainly remember.

You’ll be on a genuine quarantine island and live in the moment, truly connect. If you’re ready for the challenge of facing your demons and coming out stronger, we want to meet you.

This is your chance to discover who you really are as an artist. Step out of your studio, you’ll be back to it soon enough.

Oh, and free beer and good vibes.

And sweat. And tears, the whole ride.

All this on the mysterious island.

The island of the cursed artists.

The island that'll kick your ass, once and for all.

The island that'll make you a better artist even if you don’t deserve to be.

We know how to turn limiting ideas into tools. Free you from your training without losing its use. That's our thing, our specialty.

We’re the anti-school.

That's what we’re damn good at: RESETTING YOU.

Rule I

Admission is curated

Rule II

The program is secret

Rule III

Phones are prohibited

So... Here’s the question:

Is it expensive? Is it cheap?

It’s both.

It costs €3,270.

A price that seems more than fair to me but might still ridiculous high to you.

Check out my favorite emoji: 🤷🏻‍♂️

We give it our all, and cheaper wouldn’t be serious.

And we take it dead serious…

If you pass the filter, the reservation fee is 30% of the total. For the rest, we can work out a flexible payment plan.

So, is this for you?

If you want to learn how to paint, go to art school. If you’re ready to transform your mindset, get quarantined.

You should know that, to be exact, at least four people have tattooed our logo on their body, for whatever reason.

And to be even more exact, one person said it wasn't worth it and would never recommend us to anyone.

Unlikely you’ll be our second trophy because we've improved our admission filter.

So you're more likely to get a tattoo of our logo than to think the experience wasn’t for you.

The stats speak for themselves.

Nicholas Holman, USA
Nicholas Holman, USA
Miguel Díaz, Spain
Miguel Díaz, Spain
Leesa Gray-Pitt, Australia
Leesa Gray-Pitt, Australia
Cheryl Juracich, USA
Cheryl Juracich, USA

By the way, take a look at our damn lineup:

Michael Hussar Jeremy Mann James McCrae Nadezda Sainer Martin Wittfooth

Below are two doors…

One is to apply if you already know you’re going to rock it, and the other is if you’re still skeptical of this madness:

Request Admission

Prove me wrong

P.S. - Chill, it’s only a crisis. The door: ↑ up there ↑


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