

It’s a damn cult.

It looks like a horror movie.

Is this Jeffrey Epstein’s island?

It’s a scam.

These are unsolicited opinions from individuals who have never set foot -and likely never will- on this island.

But now, pay close attention to what those who have lived Quarantine say. These testimonials are NOT imaginary conversations or invented clients. We didn’t ask them to speak well of us for anything in return. They are sincere words from real people.

Is it worth it?

Ask them yourself, their contact info is below their testimonial:

Unsolicited opinions from Mentors

Edward Povey
Quarantine’s Mentor. UK. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Carles Gomila is the inventor of the INTERZONE concept, and it works. It works in bringing about a life transformation in artists that allows them to embrace a living art career.

I have enjoyed a successful art career for 50 years, working with many strong galleries, and with paintings hanging in 30 countries. I have trained many artists, and have seen most of them stand in their own way, and fail.

I cannot explain to anyone how the INTERZONE concept works, because it is experiential. There is only one way that you can find out how successful it is, and that is to sign up, come to it, and throw yourself into it. It works.

I was there. I saw it.

Edward Povey shares his story at Quarantine Events @ Beautiful Bizarre Magazine

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Phil Hale
Quarantine’s Mentor. UK. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Those ten days... totally blew my mind. I'm still gluing it back together. The sheer sustained open curious vibe and interactions and development and now, afterwards, the chance to apply everything I learned. A genuinely profound and beautiful experience.

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Ken Harman Hashimoto
Quarantine’s Mentor. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I hesitate to use the words "life changing" as they feel cliché, but there's really no other way to describe my experience at Quarantine.

Weeks after leaving Lazaretto, I still find myself thinking about this trip, the people I've met and the boundaries (mine and others) that were pushed to their most extreme limits.

Thank you to all my fellow mentors, the amazing students, and the accommodating staff for a truly once in a lifetime experience.

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Vincent Desiderio
Quarantine’s Mentor. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Quarantine was so wonderful that I am (for the first time) at a loss to describe the profound effect it has had on me. I feel changed, recharged and inspired. I awake refreshed and ready to make new and better paintings.

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Lita Cabellut
Quarantine’s Mentor. Netherlands. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Quarantine has been both a challenge and an inspiration.

Despite my years of experience, I must feel like the student in front of me, to tell them: “listen, this happens to me too. It’s normal for you to experience this, it’s not something you’re going to overcome. You’ll have to learn to live with it.

”We must tell them that THIS is what being an artist is about: a process of learning and unlearning, and in that hallway, you will always encounter the question: “Am I on the right path? Am I doing it right? Am I sincere enough?”

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Ryan Heshka
Quarantine’s Mentor. Canada. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Too much happened in such a compressed time frame. So many amazing people. A chance to stand with giants as peers. An opportunity to reach out to people and connect as human beings. Plus free beer, tons of laughs, some art making, all set against a haunted island in Spain.

Thank you Quarantine for changing the way I see my art community.

And if any of you reading this are on the fence about attending the next one, don’t hesitate, just do it. Don’t miss out. My family is now larger by about 60 or 70 people.

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Kirsten Anderson
Quarantine’s Mentor. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Such an overwhelming, amazing time. Still slightly dazed but so happy and honored to be part of it. Miss our little mentor crew!

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Miles Johnston
Quarantine’s Mentor. Sweeden. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Thank you again for a truly unforgettable experience. One of the best weeks of my life!

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Martin Wittfooth
Quarantine’s Mentor. Canada. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

The Quarantine mentorship program on Lazaretto island in Menorca, Spain, organized and held together brilliantly by the team at Quarantine Events… it was a time to get truly deep with the Why? question about art: why we care about making and appreciating it at all… which kept looping us all back time and again to a rather simplified answer (albeit with a profound complexity at its center): connections.

I’m astounded that in one week with the other mentors, students, and the crew that made it all possible for us to be together in this way, that I saw and myself felt so many connections being made: between people but in ourselves also; as if the experience allowed room for us to break ourselves down to the core stuff that we’re really made of and deeply care about when the veneer of modern day culture falls away, to then be able to piece it all back together with a much clearer perspective. If you’re an artist looking to get out of your own way and realign any (every?) part of your creative process, next time the boat departs for Quarantine, get on it.

I want to thank everyone who took part in this and for your kindness, genuineness, openness, and for reminding me of the importance of these things in order for us to really see each other, and to see ourselves for what we really are and find meaningful at the center of our being.

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Henrik Uldalen
Quarantine’s Mentor. Norway / UK. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Been an emotional and thought provoking experience with Quarantine this week. Thank you to all the organisers and artists that participated, making it all a very memorable event.

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Quarantine’s Mentor. Spain / USA. Photo by © Itziar Lecea

The dream became reality and now it is a dream again, which we all witnessed with our eyes and hearts wide open.

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Nicolás Uribe
Quarantine’s Mentor. Colombia. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I think the whole team —organizers and us attendants we all fucking ruled. It was highly improbable that this experiment would’ve worked without major complications. If I was a betting man, I would’ve put money on it going sideways reaaally quickly. And guess what, it didn’t. Egos were in check, artists were laser-focused on listening attentively, with an open mind and willing to work their butts off. I’m soooo proud of everyone that was involved!

Lazareto broke me in many wonderful, unexpected ways (including my ankle lol!) and even though an experience like this can’t be replicated, if I could, I’d do it again 1,000 times over.

Love to all Lazaretans!!!

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Jeremy Mann
Quarantine’s Mentor. Spain / USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

None of the educators came here to make little duplicates of themselves. They brought such an intensity of clarity to the unknown, to the pushing of artistic perceptions, to experimentation, to trusting the self, to knowing the self.

Jeremy Mann’s Quarantine JourneyJeremy Mann’s Quarantine Journey

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Emilio Villalba
Quarantine’s Mentor. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Someone feed me and sleep me. Lazaretto Island Menorca, Spain. Our group was seriously magical.

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Unsolicited opinions. October 2023

Fire Walk With Me

Natalie Holland

I’m back at my studio and it feels like I’ve returned from a different world. A wonderful world created by artists for artists.I promised to share my experiences, so here is the burning question: was it worth it?

In my opinion, every artist should have this experience at least once. Why? PROGRAM, PEOPLE, and PLACE.

Program is created by genious mastermind of Carles Gomila. It’s the series of unique exercises aimed to challenge aspects of creativity: imagination, innovation, memory -and beyond. The level of skill doesn’t matter. The challenges are not about success or failure, they are expanding your capacity as an artist.

People are the team behind the magic. I don’t know even where to start expressing my appreciation. The event was magnificent on all levels -he classes, the entertainement, the social activities and the logistics- that was all your success. Organising the artist crowd that large can only be compared to the task of herding 70 cats! The people are mentors. A diverse group of artists, they shared their individual approaches to creativity. Every day started with artist talk; besides, everyone had a selection of 3 mentors to work on their personal project.

My personal thanks to Vincent Desiderio for the most inspiring and constructive mentorship. And Martin Wittfooth – without being my designated mentor, your thoughts on creative process was a real eye opener.

The people are all the artists. Together, we forged a community – thanks for all the good times together!

Place is as unique as the concept – an actual quarantine island. For the duration of the event, it was converted to facilitate our needs – including all the beautiful places for pleinair and contemplation.

That is said, the island is not a relaxing art retreat. The art lab was high tempo, high demand activity that left you inspired and utterly exhausted. We were all slightly deprived of sleep, too!I still have to sort out the impact of all the impressions, but one thing is clear: I went to find something I wanted, but I found something I really needed.

Feel free to ask any questions – and perhaps we will meet next year!

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Paulina Wojewodzic
Artist. Poland. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

It’s hard for me to describe the emotions I experienced during the Quarantine. There was wonder, there were tears (of happiness, sadness, letting go), there was freedom. I went through a crisis on the third day, doubting my abilities and the path I was on. The next day everything disappeared, and I felt absolute joy in creating. The program designed by the team allowed us to explore our creative possibilities, discovering hidden talents. The exercises were not just about painting/drawing. We went through many exercises that freed our minds from blocks, fears, and worries.

The people I went through the program with were from all over the world. Despite cultural, religious, and age differences, I felt we were very similar. Empathy and understanding were in the air. No one judged, everyone supported. There was a lot of room for tears, a lot of “let it go”.

I am grateful for the opportunity to meet, talk, and receive mentorship from wonderful artists like Martin Wittfooth, Lita Cabellut, Guillermo Lorca, Kirsten Anderson, Ryan Heshka, Miles Johnston and Vincent Desiderio. From each conversation, I now draw inspiration and am implementing changes in my work and my life.

I hope to see everyone from this event again, even if just on the street, so we can say hello and reminisce about this wonderful event.

Life-changing experience.

Thank you. Gratitude fills me to the brim.

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Elina Shi
Artist. Spain. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Incredible surreal immersive experience “Quarantine” – that’s how I named it for myself.

Breaking patterns and standards, endless flow of creative energy, exchange of experience and knowledge, support and mentoring.

And this is not the end of the list.

Old school and new age, form and content, technique and creativity.

But this is not the most important thing that we all received from the quarantine.There was an incredible concentration of like-minded, deep and versatile people.

New friends who have become a family this week ❤️


Miguel Díaz
Artist and stylist. Finland / Spain. Photo by © Eduardo Landa.

It’s impossible to share and thank everyone here, but here’s my summary.

I’ve experienced an incredible project!

A week of pure artistic immersion, Art labs, personal mentorships with amazing artists, the island of Lazaretto, more than 60 artists from around the world, emotional challenges, concerts, delicious food, free beers, a fire to burn any art you wanted, and an unbeatable team leading it all!!!

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Cris Crites

And yes! Quarantine on Lazareto Island, Menorca was so absolutely incredible it will take a while to fully process. Cannot stop thinking about it, talking to people about the experience and going over my many, many notes. Definitely thinking and working in new ways and ideas in my sketchbooks and beyond excited to continue trying new things in my work.

Thank you so much to Quarantine Events, all the exceptional mentors, and especially the wonderful cohort of artists for a most unique and fabulous experience!!

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Cheryl Juracich
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Returning to Quarantine Events was yet again, pure magick. People kept asking if it was different the second time around and the answer is, yes. I was able to deepen the learning I began in April with a new group of unique and beautiful people.

What’s more though is that this inner work has humbled me. Not just facing my demons, but tenderly cradling them while they share their wisdom, has grounded and relaxed my heart.

The first sessions work helped me exist more peacefully in my creative practice, my relationships, and in life in general. This second round will yield gifts that will be seen in the coming months. I will say for certain that the inferno is lit.

To everyone who participated, I love you. Go show the world what it needs to see that can only come from you. Do not go gently into that good night.

Special thank you to the staff Carles Rubio, Sére Skuld, Alberto Martínez and Bià, who are now true friends. Carles Gomila and Itziar Lecea for all of your intention and action.

And massive thank you to my mentors from this session: Kirsten Anderson, Miles Johnston and Vincent Desiderio

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Dawn Smith
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I was touched in so many ways and im only beginning to unpack it.Im grateful for all the people I made a genuine connection with Quarantine Events. An international community of likeminded people. With a passion for art and a lust for life.

Community is necessary to help one thrive and grow.

Be willing to take chances. Study relentlessly. Listen to your inner voice.Having incredible mentors to help guide you on your path is invaluable. Thank you Ryan Heshka, Vincent Desiderio, Martin Wittfooth, Guillermo Lorca and Kirsten Anderson for your honesty, kindness and wisdom.

I cannot wait to see what the future holds for my work.

I’m excited and committed now more than ever. I can’t wait to go to my studio and paint!

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Sophia Elson
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

It’s been a month, and I’ve barely begun to process this wild, beautiful, densely-packed week. Conversations on the island have provided new direction for both my art and my life. My Quarantine notebook is full of ideas that’ll keep me busy for multiple years. The friendships — my heart breaks with how much I miss these people I knew for one! week!

I am so grateful I chose to make this investment in myself, and to the Quarantine staff, mentors, models, and participating artists for bringing this beautiful experience to life.

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Ximena Estrada
Artist. Mexico. Photo by © Eduardo Landa.

I have no words to express my gratitude for everything I’ve learned. Thank you.


Lourans Mikhail
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

This was pure magic.

I hope you all continue being beautiful souls and expand your reach on this tiny blue planet. Thank you for making me so happy that I’m crying.

I don’t know what to say yet, but I wasn’t expecting 7 days with 70+ artists, 7 mentors, the 11 wonderful people that run Quarantine Events, the amazing models that posed so amazingly for all of us and, the team that fed us along with the ferry crew, to have such an impact.

But I can’t even begin to express how grateful I am to have been around you all, how you made me feel accepted and loved.

I’ve been trying to process. I know it’s going to hit soon and probably when I least expect it. The ideas I’ve been filled with, the emotions, the friendships and family I hope to continue are immeasurable and intangible.

I am forever grateful for what has passed and is burned into my psyche.

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Amanda Szymanski
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

The week was incredible. Beyond words. By Tuesday evening I had everything I needed from the event.

Vincent Desiderio changed my life, and then every subsequent day further reverberated the messages and lessons I learned from him.

I Am An Artist. It’s hard to explain what this means, and the gravity of it, to people who don’t identify as an Artist, but I think most if not all of my quarantine pals Get It.

We have a different, unique way of operating in the world. One which isn’t readily supported or celebrated in our everyday lives. It is of absolute critical importance that us Artists find each other, support each other, and encourage each other to live our lives in our most authentic ways possible.

I am so grateful for this experience. My life, my self, it all makes sense now. I’m not crazy (I mean, I am. But I’m happy). I truly have a unique way of looking at the world and have never been surrounded by so many people that all think and feel similarly to the ways I do.

This is an incredibly vulnerable post and I feel a bit self-absorbed talking about how “different” and “special” I am, but it’s coming from a place of perpetually feeling like trying and struggling to breathe underwater while everyone else around me seems to be doing just fine.

There’s more I could say. And I likely will. For now, I will close by sharing the main lessons I learned:

Painting is a way of THINKING. It is a way of COMMUNICATING. It is a form of critical thought and dialogue.

I’ve learned everything I need to know in order to paint. I don’t need anymore classes. I just need to Do.

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Bronwyn Schuster
Artist and Illustration. Canada. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I’ve been trying to think of what to say about Quarantine Events because it was important, and something in me shifted. But there has been a lot of other things to talk about, and I needed to think.So I’ve been thinking with my pencil. Filling pages and pages of my sketchbooks. Writing, sketching, dreaming, sleeping.

I’ll probably get more in-depth later in my newsletter (I don’t want to get tooooo wordy here) But if I were to sum the whole week up in one moment that really brought me into my art, it was my mentorship session with Martin Wittfooth.It was the very last day, the very last thing to do before we all cleaned up and shared our last dinner. But it so profoundly grounded me.

Earlier in the week I started to come to the conclusion that I needed to start asking better questions. The ones I had been asking aren’t getting me anywhere new, and I haven’t been learning anything I didn’t already know. I fumbled through my chats with lovely and brilliant mentors Kirsten Anderson and Ryan Heshka asking all the wrong questions along the way. And I was getting so frustrated with myself.

But then something started to shift, and when I sat down with Martin, I was ready, and I was grounded, and everything he said just lit up my whole brain. We talked about processes and ritual, and when I walked away I felt like I had a new treasure map in my hands. One I’d never explored before, but I could read so easily.

So now I’m home, I’m exploring, and I am so excited.

Thank you Martin, Ryan, Kirsten, all the other mentors, and the impressive Quarantine team for making something really special.

Thanks to the artists I met throughout the week, especially the ones who cracked through my shy, quiet, and often overwhelmed exterior. I appreciated your companionship!

And thanks to all my lovely friends, family, and collectors who bought my art and sent me money so I could go on this wild little journey.It’s going to be a minute before someone can convince me to leave my little island again, but it was worth it.

So much for not being too wordy.

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Lexi Hannah
Artist. USA. Photo by © Eduardo Landa.

Can’t wait to bring back what i’ve learned to my fellow artists at home. Biggest takeaway —artists need each other, we all do.

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Angeles Equihua
Artist. Mexico. Photo by © Eduardo Landa.

Letting go the holdouts, feeling free, letting go, flow with the process. Passion, pain, suffering, love, love for art. Search and finds.

I went seeking something I returned finding so much more that I expected and even hungrier, searching more, and more alive than ever. With the craving to make art, be art, experiment and fly!!

This exercise was the first of a multiples ruptures that happened in that magical week in a island outside the other island.

This exercise and then a conference that hit my world, and then the pleasure to speak to THE ARTIST Lita Cabellut

This exercise just resonate with her, with the passion she has for art, the passion that she is.

Endless gratitude to all my mentors, beautiful human beings and beautiful souls you touched deeply my heart Vincent Desiderio, Guillermo Lorca, Martin Wittfooth and Kirsten Anderson.

Last but not least thanks for being so kind in your observations and your approach to me Ryan Heshka and Miles Johnston.

This was me in this magical encounter of artist than now im proudly say i find my family, thanks Quarantine Events all the team its the best of the best keep doing it with all your love, we can feel it ❤️

I think was a transformative experience for all.

I can’t wait to start working and experimenting with this energy with these new eyes


Persephone Janderova
Tatoo Artist. Czech Republic. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I feel like everything I could possibly write about this experience couldn’t really describe it’s depth.

So I think I will just drop here some of my favourite memories and thank you all for making it a dream.

And special thank you goes to Quarantine Events team and all the mentors who were so kind to share their wisdom with us.

And to all the artists I have met that week I won’t even try to tag you, but you know I am talking to you):

I will always hold you in my heart and cheer for you.

Until we meet again!


Luis Emiliano Castro (Lucho)
Artist. Peru. Photo by © Eduardo Landa.

It was an incredible experience; I have met such beautiful souls and made friends for life!!

You are a group of wonderful people, and you are doing something that will resonate throughout the universe!

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Rebecca Ainscough
Sculpture. UK. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Hope you know how much you touched our hearts too. Remember… we will.

There is no way to forget the joy and electricity created in the coming together of like feeling souls. Grateful to have met you ❤️

Such an incredible event. Such deep gratitude for all involved; I feel like I’m a different shape to the person I was last Tuesday…and I’m not fitting so well back in my old space at home. It’s wonderful ❤️ 

Unbelievably incredible experience.

I’m crying just remembering it. Thank you.

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Maite Bäckman
Artist. Spain. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

 I am still digesting each of the experiences, words and conversations held during those seven days. I have brought with me a great treasure. Thank you for knowing how to listen and for your wise advice.

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Diana Mendoza

No words to describe Quarantine experience, nor the concept itself. An extraordinary experience for artists, which led me further beyond my limitations through very interesting and challenging activities.

We weren’t there to learn about proportion, perspective or any academic stuff, but to open ourselves to wider possibilities in our creative processes through exploration, nurturing it also with other artists’ ideas and style. I learned a lot of things, like creating spaces where inspiration can emerge, instead of just “waiting for it”. I experienced important changes inside, definitely feel much more self-determined and self-confident.

I learned to detach myself from the final result and simply dare to enter the process, to do unusual things to break creative blocks. I got better in managing my frustration, mainly by dissolving the fear of mistake and the idea of “failure”, embracing imperfection and assuming it part of the beauty in my art, therefore in myself. I’ve been expanding all that to my daily life.

Meeting the mentors was also great, getting to know the humans behind the artists, getting along with them and receiving valuable advices according to each one’s artistic dreams. One of the things I treasure the most -not only in Quarantine, but in life- is human connections. This beautiful souls gathering fulfilled mine with colorful joy, making new friends, meeting artists from other countries, incredible live models, and an amazing organization team… I was just fascinated by all the beauty we created together in one single week. I hope I can repeat this experience.


Johnny Ball
Artist and furniture maker. UK. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Dear Team, I love you all, what a beautiful week that you created, how can I thank you, you made this happen, it has been truly amazing, I have decided to delete my instagram, on the fire!!

And tomorrow I begin a new chapter, stronger, humbled, grateful, inspired, thank you.

Natalia Permyakova
Artist. Spain. Photo by © Natalia Permyakova

Are we the same as yesterday???I was lucky to participate for a week in a creative, imaginative and sensory tsunami that has transported me to another dimension.

I want to thank the entire team Quarantine Events who made it possible to experience this quantum journey. I have felt that as an individual I have been respected. I value the interaction that has occurred these days based on respect for each person’s personality.

These days I have reached my limits such as pictorial, emotional, psychological, spiritual, physical and mental – and I GOT OUT ALIVE!

My special thanks to my mentors Lita Cabellut, Guillermo Lorca and Kirsten Anderson, who from their own perspective have guided me to decide the path I will follow from now on.


Dymond Starr
Fine Art Illustrator and Visual Storyteller. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Quarantine Events was special. Witnessing these creative people’s converge at this singular location. Connecting with artists who you would otherwise rarely have the chance to meet. The mentors I had the opportunity to speak to were insightful and down to earth. The exercises revealed the multi layered dimensions to one’s own creativity, which were there all along.

May the path burn hotter and brighter.

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Fabio Bisutti

I am so stunned for this amazing experience!

Huge thanks to everyone that made it DREAMLIKE! To the outstanding cast of mentors, organizers, models, friends!

Full dip into art 🔥


Elizabeth Shupe
Artist. USA. Photo by © Elisabeth Shupe

I didn’t publicly announce that I was going to “Fire Walk With Me” by Quarantine Events because, frankly, I didn’t know what to expect. When I first heard about the program, I was intrigued – the details were very “hush hush”, but the mentors looked amazing. It was expensive, and far away (Spain!), but I had a VERY strong intuitive feeling that I needed to go.

So I went.

And I am so so thankful that I did.

I truly came back changed.

(And because the location was SO BEAUTIFUL!)It was everything.

It was in this place, in this walled garden, that I realized WHY I am an artist.

Sére Skuld You were a big part of making this experience so memorable – Thank you so much for facilitating the Ars Incognito session that broke everything open for me-that was a huge turning point for me, both artistically and emotionally.

It was an amazing experience- probably one of the most magical weeks of my life. Really reconnected with “why” I create art, and it was so good to be in artistic community.

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Morgan Allen
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Did I just join a cult??

That was the first thought that crossed my mind as I stepped off of the boat onto the island Lazaretto. Last month, I joined a group of 70+ artists for the secret Quarantine program on the island in Menorca, Spain. I didn’t really know what to expect, but I was following a feeling. Maybe it was intuition or something deeper, but all of us felt the same pull from across the globe. Each of us came from different countries, but we shared a similar passion, a dream, and a compulsion to create.

The moment we met, there was a sense of belonging. magic happened behind those stone walls. Our creative faculties were tested, broken, and then reassembled. We explored, collaborated, and with the audience of Lazaretto’s wandering spirits, we shared our deepest insecurities, embarrassing desires, and impassioned creations.

Since Quarantine, I’ve run into some of my fellow inmates off the island. One night, I was just wandering around, alone in Barcelona looking for a place to eat… and I ran into three Quarantine buddies by pure happenstance. Just like that, my dinner plans were decided, and I felt at home. I believe that when synchronicities like this occur, it’s apparent that you are synchronized with the universe. The Quarantine art program has been nothing less than life-changing. It has given me a global family and far-reaching connections. Because of Quarantine, I have friends on every corner of the globe. I could go anywhere. Whether it’s Spain, Mexico, Peru, NYC, or more; my family will be there.

I’ve met so many incredible, global artists, and through creation, meditation, and exploration within and out, we became transformed. We experienced something that can only be described as magical, impossible to transcribe with words… yet we all feel it. There is a force larger than the sum of us, and it has already changed the paradigm of the art world. I feel grateful for everything that life has given me, especially for the people I love. I am eternally lucky to have shared this life-changing experience with all of you. Thank you for being there!

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Ben Aldis
Artist and designer. UK. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I’m still trying to figure out what the hell happened to me over those 7 days, because everything looks and feels different now…

In a good way!

The hardest thing since Quarantine is actually trying to articulate what the experience is to anyone who hasn’t been and feel like you’re doing it justice! Anything I say sounds superfluous and hyperbolic, despite being sincere.

I do feel like I’ve been given a super power or some kind of elixir.

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Jenny Mørk
Artist and Musician. Norway. Photo by © Jenny Mørk

I unplugged, left my phone in a safe for a week and went on an amazingly creative journey on a private island in the Mediterranean with some wonderful artists.

Definitely an experience of a lifetime. I’m so grateful to everyone I met and who organized this event. Namaste to all.

Thanks to all, the whole event was so special and dream Feeling envious, lucky and grateful all at the same time.

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Alexander Tadlock
Artist. Germany. Photo by © Eduardo Landa.

To all my mentors, incredible staff members, and amazing new artists friends, thank you, you’ve resurrected me, let’s live now.

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Gokcen Yuksek
Artist. UK. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I wanted to let it sink in a bit before I shared anything. It seems to be sinking in pretty deep!

Not sure I’ll be able to put it into words properly, but it felt amazing to be in a reality with incredibly likeminded artists, who’d make me believe telepathy is real… in this island away from everything else and the amount of release and surprise that came with it. Not to mention the awesome people I got to spend time with every day/night and happen to have got used to pretty quickly… so if it becomes a permanent place we can live in, sign me up 😉 ∞

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Dani Olave
Artist. Chile. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

This is not just a documentation of events; it’s a creation of a timeless reminder – a demarcation between the ‘before’ and ‘after’ quarantine. There’s a transformation that extends not only on how I perceive and live through art but also to the essence and expression of my own artistic endeavors moving forward; from now on, each stroke, each movement, carries the weight of this experience, shaping not just my art but the way I inhabit it.

A heartfelt thank you extends to my mentors Lita Cabellut, Ryan Heshka, Martin Wittfooth, Vincent Desiderio and the whole team of Quarantine Events. Their guidance and wisdom have been invaluable, and I am grateful for their unwavering support and encouragement shaping my artistic journey. Additionally, to everyone who participated in this transformative week, your presence has been more impactful than you may realize. Each interaction, each shared moment, became a lesson, and I’ve learned a great deal from the collective energy of this community. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me.


Jaden Andrea
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Finding splendor while painting, quarantined, on an island of cemeteries, spiders, and bone pits. I’d recommend quarantining there.

Truly the most inspiring and down to earth staff, mentors, and students. I wish I could take this perfect dream of a community with me through all of life. Quarantine Events, you have my deepest affections.

Instagram Website

Alicia Collantes
Artist and event organizer. Spain. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

For me, this journey has been filled with emotions, discoveries, laughter, tears, and above all, learning, not just about art or the world, but about myself as well.

The time, care, and intention you have devoted to thinking about this extraordinary project is incredible. The coherence, the meaning behind each activity and every detail, has made this a unique and unforgettable experience for me, one that will transform my life in ways I still can’t fully comprehend. I might need days, or perhaps years, to fully grasp the impact of Quarantine. What I do know is that everything I’ve learned, felt, thought, and decided this week on the island wouldn’t have been possible without your dedication, intelligence, and love.

You’ve not only organized an extremely special event with all its challenges and difficulties (including an evacuation), but you’ve also created a magical and exciting space where we’ve felt safe, loved, and supported. Each person, each meeting, each activity, and every word of encouragement has been like a warm hug that will propel me forward. I’ve promised myself to keep in mind everything I’ve learned and try to apply it in my life.

In summary, thank you, thank you, and a thousand times thank you.With all my admiration and affection, I hope this is not a goodbye, but a see you soon. You guys are amazing.


Laura Arenson
Artist — Quarantine & MEAM Grant Winner. UK. Photo by © Laura Arenson

Thank you amazing Quarantine team for all your hard work making such a brilliant and inspiring week.

Instagram Website

Unsolicited opinions. April 2023

Muse Hacking

Meghan Allard
Artist. Canada.

When I think about the times I spend in Menorca, I feel it was just a dream. But the lessons I learned in this beautiful island will stay with me forever.

Instagram Youtube

Megan Jaster
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

It was a dream experience that will launch many more dreams. Truly an activating experience filled with Heart and Spirit. Amazing guides and visionaries , I’m so inspired by them all.

Experiencing the unknown is a door way of endless possibilities letting go and moving by faith alone imagination awakens the sleeping Spirit.

Beguinnings, Rituals, Intentions. Nature, Seeks, Growth. Ephemeral, Symbolic, Mystery. Maybe it is all a dream.

Grateful for the vision and intentions of the entire team.

Instagram Website

Egle Ortiz
Artist and Writer. Lithuania / Spain. Photo by © Tomàs Rotger.

Remember that you let out close to one hundred re-inspired souls into the world that is in desperate need of brave, authentic art to inspire the rest to remember our humanity.

Instagram Website

Chris Boitz

Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I’ve never been around so many people I could relate to on such a deep level all at once. It has literally changed my life and allowed me to heal and tap into something very deep in my soul that I hadn’t really known was there, or had lost in childhood. Living in a world where so much that people do is out of fear, or to get ahead of their neighbor, it was incredibly touching to see all the love that went into this.

It is strange and disorienting, coming back to the regular day to day after being in such an incredible place amongst so many incredible artists. I’m forever touched and deeply inspired by everyone who was there and the energy of the island. A piece of my heart will always remain at Lazareto. What an amazing experience.


Yi Zhong
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Creating and destroying with Henrik Uldalen, alongside some of the most amazing artists and souls, in a beautiful island far from the world…

A dream too short… a dream I hope to have again and again.

Instagram Website

Cheryl Juracich
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I feel like I’ve had my control stripped away layer by layer on this retreat. These mentors taught me what the roots of self expression are and everyone I connected with gave something to the space between us that wouldn’t exist if not for that willingness. I don’t think we’re always meant to bloom but when it happens, man… it feels so good.

To the participants of Quarantine, take this learning home and set yourself on fire with it. Feed it and protect it and don’t be too precious with it. Trust it’s there when you need it and draw from it. It’s endless. It’s YOU.

To the facilitators, you made this shit holy. Thank you.To all my front row people. You fucking BROUGHT it. Thank you for setting me free.

This time in Menorca Quarantine brought me back to who the fuck I am, past and present. I pray to guitars and lose my mind in dance. I’m curious about people and love to play. I see rainbows in everything. I have a decent amount of thizz. I’m looking for resonance and finding it.

Instagram Website

Mariya Medvedeva
Artist and Violinist. Switzerland. Photo by © Mariya Medvedeva

A week on the island. Without phones and in complete isolation from reality. Only you, your feelings, your intuition and the search for everything that impresses you.

Life was divided into before Quarantine and after.

Instagram Youtube

Nicholas Holman
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Studying directly under Nicolás Uribe was a dream come true and honestly more of a friendship was formed than I would’ve ever imagined. Aside from studying under him I quickly realized that the experience was so much more than that. I realized it was about the entire journey. It was about art and what it really means to be an artist. It was about connecting with insanely skilled humans and realizing we’re all the same. It was about getting outside of your comfort zone and pushing the limits. It was about the human connection.

It’s only a few weeks since this all happened and I’m finding myself still insanely inspired and grateful. To all of those amazing artists that I met —I’m so glad it happened. Shoutout to the inspiring and hardworking mentors. It was one of the most exciting times of my life with some of the coolest people I’ve ever met.

Everyday we started with a discussion led by the insanely talented mentors. I gotta say that Nadezda said everything that I didn’t know I needed to hear. This experience was everything I needed and even more than I knew I needed.

Instagram TikTok Website

Ellaya Yefymova
Artist and Doctor. Ukraine / Portugal. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

So grateful for this exciting and a little bit crazy week in art quarantine on the island Lazaretto, where I was surrounded by more than 100 talented artists! Being able to create art in such a unique and isolated environment is a truly inspiring and transformative experience.It takes courage to paint in front of other artists, but it was such a great opportunity for growth and self-expression. The quarantine gave me the chance to explore new artistic techniques and ideas, relaunched my creativity and provided me the greatest inspiration.Now I’m not afraid to fuck up. Inner perfectionist is dead. We’ll never be the same.

Instagram Website

Janay Everett
Artist and Creative Direction. USA. Photo by © Tomàs Rotger

Thanks for pulling the best of us and challenging us exactly the way we needed to be challenged.

Instagram Behance Website

Marcello de Michele
Artist, Scientist and Musician. France / Italy. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

The last day in Quarantine, the first day of the rest of my life. Thank you.

Instagram Website

Diego Gisbert Llorens
Concept Artist and Illustrator. Germany. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I crossed a door to a different place. For seven days, the world stopped, and another one opened up. Now that I am back from that threshold, I am ready to meet whatever crossed that door back with me.

7 days, 100 artists, 1 location, 0 phones. I painted to my heart’s delight, at my own pace, trying out things and generating my own questions. It felt like the best parts of university all over again.Not to mention the great talks by the team of mentors, the beauty of the location and the concerts we were spoiled with almost every night. Besides, I had the pleasure of having very meaty conversations with so many talented and commited people from so many different backgrounds.

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Austyn Lewis (Aussy)
Fashion designer. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Attended Quarantine an art program on Lazaretto island in Spain. It was there I met the most amazing people- I felt like I had known each of them for lifetimes. I’ve never loved so quick and hard. I had an amazing mentor Emilio Villalba who changed my idea of what art is and who I am within it all. I learned from successful world known artist and their stories. I won’t be the same after this and I’m still digesting.

Quarantine feeling all the feelings. Thank you for this wild ride.

Instagram Website

Andrew Peycha
Artist. Canada. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Still processing and trying to figure it all out. It’s life long struggle. lol. Such an amazing experience! Great new friends, reacquainted with old friends, and in a mind blowing environment. Thank you!!!

Instagram Website

Yvonne Heemskerk
Artist and Teacher. Netherlands. Photo by © Yvonne Heemskerk

I just wanted to let you know that the week at Lazaretto gave me life changing experience. I am so thankful for this wich moved me to the core and changed many things in my life already.Not only the connection with all the fireflies from over the whole world but also your effort and extremely respectful guidance and of course being able to meet all those incredible painters made it to a very powerful experience.

My week with Vincent was for me the best decision ever !! It brought me loads of new inspiration and I felt so connected with this old soul.

Instagram Website

Fiona Corsini
Artist. Italy. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Think about beeing quarantined on an island with another 98 people who’s ambition/call/passion is making Art captained by established roll on artists as mentors sharing their path and knowledge. Yes, I was there, roller coasting between daunting doubts sparks of Hope, facing shitty work for the sake of cracking the nut of intuitive flow.

Day 1 – Pure excitement

Day 2 – Figuring out

Day 3 – Exhaustion

Day 4 – Finding sense/scope/admitted frustration

Day 5 – Having survived to day 4

Day 6 – Surfing the wave of nonsenseDay

7 – Sensing the urge of doing

It was AMAZING! Thank you to all you people of Quarantine for putting up an incredible endeavor, in a superb environment. With all the complexities that were implied and thank you to all the people who were there with me sharing the hope of beeing resuscitated on the Lazaretto island!


Alexander Fuhr
Concept Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Spend a week on Lazaretto quarantine island. I can’t begin to express what a challenging, exhausting, incredible, and transformative experience it was.

I’ve never bonded with a group of people in such a short amount of time. MY FAMILY.


David Vegt
Artist. Canada. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Still having many rounds of resonation from this trip I took to Menorca to the Island of Lazareto and met with over 100 artists from around the world. It was intense, beautiful, hard, and exhausting, but I loved it. Thanks again Quarantine for putting on such an amazing week of painting and making new friends. They are putting on another in the fall and much more to come from this great group of individuals. I highly recommend.


Madeline Brice
Artist, Curator and Gallery Director. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I’m back in the states and subsequently back online and I haven’t quite processed all that these last two weeks in Menorca have offered.Additionally, the individuals i met and now love can provide some great insight. im going to process and turn inward and reflect and all of those other things one does following an incredible experience. And last but not least, thank you to Nicolás Uribe for an incredible mentorship while there

Instagram Website

Natalia Garrido
Artist. Spain. Photo by © Natalia Garrido

 What you’ve accomplished wasn’t merely an artistic experience, it was a life-altering journey that has profoundly changed many of us from within. You’ve granted us the opportunity to truly be ourselves and to learn how to reach beyond our island confines. You’ve enabled us to connect with others who, at their core, are just like us, despite superficial differences. I’m at a loss for words to express my gratitude for what you’ve done.

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Jason Stein
Tattoo Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Thanks Quarantine and everyone who made this truly transformative week happen. A bittersweet and emotional goodbye to Lazaretto today. I will miss this place, this experience and all the wonderful people l’ve met immensely.

Instagram Website

Karen Aarre
Artist. Norway. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

What an extraordinary time spent in art quarantine with 100 other artists from around the world; all sharing the same passion for observation, expression and creation. The hard work, the long hours, the challenges, the love, the sharing, the laughter, the tears, the friendship, the inspiration; I have come away with my heart full. I am so grateful to Quarantine for creating this event, the generous guidance from my mentor Vincent Desiderio, and also for the inspiring master classes with Nicolás Uribe, Jeremy Mann, Nadezda, Emilio Villalba, Henrik Uldalen… and to all the open and warm people I have met! Art matters. 

Instagram Website

Ben Motola
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

What I’ve noticed from Quarantine is, the group that put it together, I have a strong sense that they have vision. And vision, I feel it’s very necessary in today’s world situation. We need leaders with vision. And the wonderful people that put Quarantine together, in my opinion, most definitely have vision.

“I wanna come home different” —I said to my wife. And my experience, in six days, I definitely feel different.”

John Taylor Wagner
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I will always be moved by the incredible group of people and special setting that made up this program. Thank you Emilio Villalba for so much of your time and good energy —we couldn’t have asked for more from a mentor.

Carles, Itzi, Darren, Joan thank you. i can’t even begin to imagine everything that went into bringing this to life. And the mentors for giving us so much, Henrik Uldalen, Nicolás Uribe, Emilio Villalba, Nadezda, Vincent Desiderio and Jeremy Mann. Everyone that i met on the island, thank you for the lasting memories and friendships. Looking forward to seeing where this wave carries everyone. Love you all.

Instagram Website

Sangeeta Patel
Artist, Dancer and Lawyer. USA. Photo by © Sangeeta Patel

Just returned from “quarantining” with over a 100 artists from around the world. What a gift and a life changing experience. Already missing the men and women that I got really close to over the week. You all were so inspirational!

Instagram Website

Stephen Dunne
Artist. Ireland. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

It was an incredible week in Menorca, painting and workshops with an inspiring mix of great people from all over the world. Perhaps it was just a dream.

Instagram Website

Yaya Chang
Artist. France. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Thank you especially to the great Henrik Uldalen for his incredible mentorship. I will never forget this week.

Instagram Website

Oxana Moiseeva
Artist and Model. France. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Slowly getting back on Earth after unforgettable week with amazing people, Artists , I would like to thank everyone involved, that was an experience. Special thanks to talented artist and just very nice person, mentor of our group Nicolás Uribe, for leading our group and making it such a fantastic journey. Also to all the other mentors Nadezda, Emilio Villalba, Vincent Desiderio, Henrik Uldalen and Jeremy Mann. You motivate so much with your passion.

Henrik Uldalen special thanks to you, i am sure a lot of us who was not in your group felt like we were a part of it, your openness and kindness to people is beyond of everything. The souvenirs from this week i will take with me through the life and for sure will not forget!!!


Tomás Lucas
Artist — Quarantine Grant Winner. Spain. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

This has been a pretty amazing and eye-opening journey, full-on intense with loads of hard work. And you know what? As the days roll on, it hits me more and more just how exceptional this whole thing is. Only time will give us the full picture to truly understand the massive shift that’s happening right now on this island.

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Wendy Wacko
Artist. Canada. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

This past April was the most meaningful art event of my forty year creative journey —working outside your comfort zone is the only way to improve your craft— the mentors, the artists who attended and the organizers were all focused on making this “creative think tank” an extraordinary creative soirée.

I will certainly be back.

Instagram Website

Sam Fratto
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

What ya’ll are doing is a great thing that artists need. Not only was this event crazy fun and beautiful, but it was also inspiring. Being surrounded by the multitude of artistic personalities and to find myself mixed inside comfortably was incredibly validating. And I truly feel that the week has enhanced my eye, hand, and mind as an artist! Thank you for all of this.

Instagram Website

Lyda McLean Brown
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Honestly, it was surreal to spend a week with some of the world’s best artists on an unbelievably gorgeous island where everyone was just completely open, completely human. Still digesting it everyday since…Thank you a million!!!!!!

Instagram Website

Unsolicited opinions from Models

Hannah Jay
Life model. France. Photo by © Xavier Dènia

So full of awe at this incredible group of models, what an honor to pose alongside them. Thank you all.

You all did such a marvelous job of making sure everything ran smoothly, for which I applaud you as it can’t have been straightforward.

I had such an excellent time, and much like everyone else, I have come away feeling invigorated and inspired. So thank you for that.

I hope to meet with you all again at some point.

Instagram Website

Sora Fernández
Life model. Spain. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Quick resume from this past days in the Quarantine Events.

A bunch of artist behaving as artists. Just the best thing. For now, all I can I say: I’m happy to be here. Thank you for the chance.

I have plenty of things to explain about my experience modeling for Quarantine Events but I will upload a long looong post in Spanish in a few minutes in my Patreon, so check it out whenever you want to 🙂

Instagram Website

Inés Recher
Life model. Spain. Photo by © Paulina Wojewodzic

Congratulations, CONGRATULATIONS on an EXQUISITE production, deliciously nurtured and crafted. And also, for the MAGIC and professionalism in the selection of every detail, the artists, the models, the concerts, the spaces… For the IMPECCABLE Organization of each day, the Care, and above all, the Great Human Team.


Gala Dies
Life model. Spain. Photo by © Paulina Wojewodzic

It’s hard to summarize my experience at Llatzeret. I feel deeply honored to have been able to be a part of this project. Also excited to have shared such great moments with the best model team ever.

I take with me experiences and learnings that will last forever, as well as new and very good friendships. Many thanks to Quarantine Events, a magnificent organization.

Thank you to all this community of such great artists! It has been a true pleasure. I hope to see you again, meanwhile I’ll see you in dreamlands.

Fire will walk with me from now on FIRE.


Life model. Italy. Photo by © Xavier Dènia

Ooofffft what a week!

Got the honor of accompanying artists from all over the world through a journey of spiritual and artistic self-discovery.

A vision, a dream, that invites artists to put their soul on the table, meticolously dissecting it and questioning it through meditation, collaboration and inspiration.A space free of judgment and fuelled by love, admiration, care and compassion where artists can connect with their deepest emotions and demons, facing them to the core and learning how to weave them into their creative identity.

I leave Menorca with the heart full of joy and immense respect for all these incredible humans I got the opportunity to inspire 🙂 Thank you Quarantine Events for creating this glorious visionary experience and allowing me to be part of it!

Hasta pronto!

Instagram Website

Andrea Morani
Life mode. Italy. Photo by © Tomàs Rotger.

With such a hectic life I didn’t have time to integrate the Quarantine journey but I feel that breathing that atmosphere has influenced my artistic path in somehow. One of the nice things about the workshop, besides not being allowed to use the phone, was starting the day listening to a lecture given by the great master painters who conducted the workshops.

I had time to think about their speeches during my daily 6 hours of modeling and at one point a thought came to my mind: should I kill Andrea Morani Life Model?

More than one artist, in their morning talk at Quarantine, has reminded us of the importance of connecting and listening to your inner child especialy when it comes to making art.


Solicited opinions (video)

Romas Tauras. Artist and editor. Portugal. Website Instagram Five Books

PJ Patten. Artist and author. USA. Instagram Website

Alice d’Apolito. Artist. Italy. Instagram Website

Tafy Laplanche. Portrait artist. USA. Instagram Website

Raven Jordens. Artist. Belgium. Instagram

Natalie Holland. Artist. Norway. Instagram Website

Valeria Andreis. Artist. Italy. Instagram Website Youtube

Diana Mendoza. Artist. Mexico. Instagram

Christiana Wu. Multidisciplinary artist and musician. USA. Instagram Website

Paulina Wojewodzic. Artist. Poland. Instagram

Jessica Fisher. Artist. USA. Instagram Website

Christine Southworth. Artist. UK. Instagram

Romas Tauras. Artist and editor. Portugal. Website Instagram Five Books

Cris Crites. Artist. USA. Instagram Websit

Mateo Cabrera. Artist. Peru. Instagram Website

Fabio Bisutti. Artist. Italy / Spain. Instagram

Lotte Voetmann. Artist. Denmark. Instagram Website

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