

Our mentors have one non-negotiable condition to take part in this Quarantine: they absolutely refuse to be guides on a tour that shows participants how to create Art in their exact style, as if leading a flock of art-world tourists.

Gary Baseman

Laurie Lipton

Lita Cabellut

Sean Cheetham

Vincent Desiderio

Zoey Frank

Phil Hale

Ryan Heshka

Miles Johnston

Ruprecht von Kaufmann

Guillermo Lorca

JAW Cooper

Jeremy Mann

Eloy Morales


Edward Povey

Yuko Shimizu

Henrik Uldalen

Nicolás Uribe

Emilio Villalba

Martin Wittfooth

Gallerists, Authors and Curators

Kirsten Anderson

Ken Harman Hashimoto

James McCrae

Jennifer Rizzo

Yasha Young


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