Every Lesson is a Micro-Death

Every Lesson is a Micro-Death

Imagine you’ve got a ship, and piece by piece, you replace every broken part with a new one. When there’s not a single original piece left… is it still the same ship, or something entirely different?

This is the paradox of Theseus, and that ship is you.

Every time you learn something new, you swap out a piece of your ship.

Every time you learn, you die a little.

And then you’re reborn, just a bit.

All in small doses -barely what you need so as not to sink, but enough to keep you moving. You keep swapping out pieces until one day, you realize you no longer recognize the ship you first set sail on.

Are you still you after all these repairs?

Yes… and no.

You look back and see someone you hardly recognize. But hey, that person had the guts to imagine who you’ve become today.

And that’s worth something.

Sometimes you forget, but remember this: in the future, when everything’s clearer, you’ll thank yourself for what you’re doing now.

The person you’re becoming respects you -REVERES you, even.

Think about it, it’s mind-blowing.

Every time you learn something new, it’s also a mini-death. It’s the price of becoming someone who can carry the weight of that new knowledge.

But do you know where the real leap happens? When you dare to let go of what you once held as truth. And here’s the kicker, because this is hard to swallow:

What you believe to be true right now is exactly what's holding you back.

That’s where we come in.

The private island, the companions, the incredible mentors… that’s all great. But what really matters is that we show you, through raw experience, that the truths you hold now are the ones that have got you running in place.

If you decide to join us, be ready: we’re going to change a lot of pieces on that ship.

We won’t lie, it’s going to hurt. Because growth hurts:


P.S. - In the future, when you look back, you’ll understand why you chose to embark on this wild journey ⬆︎⬆︎⬆︎


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