Amazingly, Alarmingly Brutal Experiment

Amazingly, Alarmingly Brutal Experiment


Here I am at my desk with Judy Garland, our cat, stomping across the keyboard while designing one of the toughest experiments you’ll ever encounter.

Only 75 chosen ones will face this challenge in October, and if you're not on the list, hate to break it to you, but you’re missing out.

The program is a secret, you know the drill.

It’s not just to be mysterious -though that’s part of the fun- but because creativity is awakened with a slap, no anesthesia, no prep.

Revealing the challenge kills its effect.

Like the punchline of a joke. A total disaster.

No one comes prepared, and that’s what makes things even more interesting. No filters, no idea what’s next, you dive into the unknown, and in the process, you discover corners of your mind you didn’t even know existed.

And that’s when you react.

There are no right or wrong ways to face the challenges. No sermons. It’s just you against yourself, surrounded by other crazies who, like you, decided to ditch comfort.

The October “INTERZONE” edition is the twin brother of “FIRE WALK WITH ME”, the previous edition. But like everything in life, it’s evolved.

It’s tougher, more intense.

Each edition is unique, like every scar on your body. What works, we keep; the rest, we twist until it breaks and is reborn.

And yes, I’ll be straight with you: this particular challenge on the table before me is pure madness. If it were thrown at me without warning, I think it just might split my head in two.

That’s the ticket: if it intimidates me, we’ve got to do it.

Specifically, I’m talking about the challenge on Thursday, October 17, 2024. Over twelve hours of pure black magic that will leave participants questioning whether what they just experienced was real or just a mind-bending hallucination.

They’ll remember it like a dream.

And hey, no drugs involved.

I can’t tell you more because that would ruin the experience. But I can say this: the goal is to merge the artist’s identity with the model’s, shattering the barriers of time with the force of imagination.

How does that sound?

Yeah, I know, it sounds impossible.

It is.

But that’s the beauty of it.

It’s a wonderfully alarming challenge. Extremely stimulating.

This challenge isn’t for everyone. It drags you out of your comfort zone, kicking and screaming, and reveals that what you observe is nothing more than a reflection of yourself.

I can say no more. But if you know someone in the Interzone, they might tell you… or they might not.

Quarantine is a Purgatory for Artists where vulnerability is your greatest strength.

Interzone has been sold out for months, but you’ve got another chance: “THE ART SPIRIT”, in April 2025. Michael Hussar, Jeremy Mann, James McCrae, Nadezda, Sainer, and Martin Wittfooth will be your mentors.

The door will slam shut on December 31st, but 30% of the spots are already taken. Don’t miss out again, you’ve got to go through this at least once in your life:


* Hey, one warning: we don’t accept everyone. This is intense, and not everyone’s ready. We’ll have a chat to make sure Quarantine is a good fit for you. But if reading this has stirred something deep inside, you’re probably already in the right place. Hit the link above ⬆︎⬆︎⬆︎ and let’s talk. Have a great day. 🍻


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