Vincent Desiderio
Vincent Desiderio

Vincent Desiderio

🗓️ From April 17th to April 23rd, 2023




Vincent Desiderio is a visual intellectual who questions neo-conservative educational agendas and the way methods are instilled, void of objectives and meaning. What’s the point of learning, to subsequently unlearn?

Vincent suggests that the only valid knowledge for an artist is that which has meaning. The ideal sherpa.


Vincent Desiderio will encourage you to make your own decisions, not those of your teachers.

The goal of this Quarantine is to transform the way you make decisions, while you unlearn the ideas that are limiting you as an artist.

Vincent Desiderio wants to renew the pedagogic agenda of Art to endow it with a purpose that goes beyond the mere acquisition of skills. So here you will meet diverse individuals, discuss Art with them and question your ideas.

In addition, you will get a clearer understanding of the historical origins and precedents of your aspirations as an artist who projects her or his exploration confined by the expectations of a contemporary historical context.


Mindset — This quarantine will be neither easy nor comfortable, but it will be real. We do not recommend it if you depend on the security of a method or a school that you can adhere to, or if you’re simply not ready to question them.

Technical requirements — Basic oil painting skills.


  • Be ready to unlearn ideas and question your education.
  • Expect to be pushed out of your comfort zone.
  • Accept the fact that no skill equips you to be an artist.


Installment payments available; ask us for more info.

  • Quarantine dates: from April 17th to April 23rd, 2023
  • Quarantine days: You’ll get quarantined +12 hours per day, 7 days, on a private island.
  • Main program: “Muse Hacking“
  • Lead mentor: Vincent Desiderio
  • Guest artists: Jeremy Mann, Nadezda, Nicolás Uribe, Henrik Uldalen, Emilio Villalba
  • Participants: 18 max. in the studio. 90 max. in the conference room
  • Technical requirements: basic painting (oil, acrylic, etc.) and drawing skills
  • Location: Lazaretto Island, MaĂł, Menorca (Spain)
  • Language: English
  • Activities: “boot camps”, art talks, masterclasses, workshops, and mentorships
  • Status: SOLD OUT
  • Enrollment: registration is by application only. Applications are closed.


7-day quarantine

daily ferry boat

lunch & dinner

beer & beverages

easel & gamsol

fees & taxes

Not included

lodging & breakfast

plane tickets

wine, mixed drinks

Rule I

Phones are prohibited

Rule I

Admission is curated

Rule I

The program is secret

Who is this Quarantine for?

PERFECT for you if…

  • You’re fed up with everyone telling you how you should and shouldn’t paint.
  • You want to start making your own decisions, not those of your teachers, and embrace creative freedom.
  • You love meeting people like you, participating in art chats and painting alongside Vincent Desiderio.

NOT for you if…

  • You prefer the security of a method or school you can stick to, and you’re not ready to question them.
  • You conceive painting as a profession, not as a source of knowledge and a way of life.
  • You’re not interested in the experience of meeting diverse people, discussing art with them and questioning their ideas.