

Unsolicited testimonials from Quarantine participants. They're not affiliates or made-up. If you have doubts about Quarantine, contact them directly—info on each profile.

Emilio Villalba
Quarantine’s Mentor. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Quarantine’s Mentor. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Someone feed me and sleep me. Lazaretto Island Menorca, Spain. Our group was seriously magical.

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Jeremy Mann
Quarantine’s Mentor. Spain / USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Quarantine’s Mentor. Spain / USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

None of the educators came here to make little duplicates of themselves. They brought such an intensity of clarity to the unknown, to the pushing of artistic perceptions, to experimentation, to trusting the self, to knowing the self.

Jeremy Mann’s Quarantine JourneyJeremy Mann’s Quarantine Journey

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Nicolás Uribe
Quarantine’s Mentor. Colombia. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Quarantine’s Mentor. Colombia. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I think the whole team —organizers and us attendants we all fucking ruled. It was highly improbable that this experiment would’ve worked without major complications. If I was a betting man, I would’ve put money on it going sideways reaaally quickly. And guess what, it didn’t. Egos were in check, artists were laser-focused on listening attentively, with an open mind and willing to work their butts off. I’m soooo proud of everyone that was involved!

Lazareto broke me in many wonderful, unexpected ways (including my ankle lol!) and even though an experience like this can’t be replicated, if I could, I’d do it again 1,000 times over.

Love to all Lazaretans!!!

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Quarantine’s Mentor. Spain / USA. Photo by © Itziar Lecea
Quarantine’s Mentor. Spain / USA. Photo by © Itziar Lecea

The dream became reality and now it is a dream again, which we all witnessed with our eyes and hearts wide open.

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Henrik Uldalen
Quarantine’s Mentor. Norway / UK. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Quarantine’s Mentor. Norway / UK. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Been an emotional and thought provoking experience with Quarantine this week. Thank you to all the organisers and artists that participated, making it all a very memorable event.

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Vincent Desiderio
Quarantine’s Mentor. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Quarantine’s Mentor. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Quarantine was so wonderful that I am (for the first time) at a loss to describe the profound effect it has had on me. I feel changed, recharged and inspired. I awake refreshed and ready to make new and better paintings.

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Meghan Allard
Artist. Canada.

When I think about the times I spend in Menorca, I feel it was just a dream. But the lessons I learned in this beautiful island will stay with me forever.

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Megan Jaster
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

It was a dream experience that will launch many more dreams. Truly an activating experience filled with Heart and Spirit. Amazing guides and visionaries , I’m so inspired by them all.

Experiencing the unknown is a door way of endless possibilities letting go and moving by faith alone imagination awakens the sleeping Spirit.

Beguinnings, Rituals, Intentions. Nature, Seeks, Growth. Ephemeral, Symbolic, Mystery. Maybe it is all a dream.

Grateful for the vision and intentions of the entire team.

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Egle Ortiz
Artist and Writer. Lithuania / Spain. Photo by © Tomàs Rotger.
Artist and Writer. Lithuania / Spain. Photo by © Tomàs Rotger.

Remember that you let out close to one hundred re-inspired souls into the world that is in desperate need of brave, authentic art to inspire the rest to remember our humanity.

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Chris Boitz
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I’ve never been around so many people I could relate to on such a deep level all at once. It has literally changed my life and allowed me to heal and tap into something very deep in my soul that I hadn’t really known was there, or had lost in childhood. Living in a world where so much that people do is out of fear, or to get ahead of their neighbor, it was incredibly touching to see all the love that went into this.

It is strange and disorienting, coming back to the regular day to day after being in such an incredible place amongst so many incredible artists. I’m forever touched and deeply inspired by everyone who was there and the energy of the island. A piece of my heart will always remain at Lazareto. What an amazing experience.


Yi Zhong
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Creating and destroying with Henrik Uldalen, alongside some of the most amazing artists and souls, in a beautiful island far from the world…

A dream too short… a dream I hope to have again and again.

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Cheryl Juracich
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I feel like I’ve had my control stripped away layer by layer on this retreat. These mentors taught me what the roots of self expression are and everyone I connected with gave something to the space between us that wouldn’t exist if not for that willingness. I don’t think we’re always meant to bloom but when it happens, man… it feels so good.

To the participants of Quarantine, take this learning home and set yourself on fire with it. Feed it and protect it and don’t be too precious with it. Trust it’s there when you need it and draw from it. It’s endless. It’s YOU.

To the facilitators, you made this shit holy. Thank you.To all my front row people. You fucking BROUGHT it. Thank you for setting me free.

This time in Menorca Quarantine brought me back to who the fuck I am, past and present. I pray to guitars and lose my mind in dance. I’m curious about people and love to play. I see rainbows in everything. I have a decent amount of thizz. I’m looking for resonance and finding it.

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Mariya Medvedeva
Artist and Violinist. Switzerland.  Photo by © Mariya Medvedeva
Artist and Violinist. Switzerland. Photo by © Mariya Medvedeva

A week on the island. Without phones and in complete isolation from reality. Only you, your feelings, your intuition and the search for everything that impresses you.

Life was divided into before Quarantine and after.

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Nicholas Holman
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Studying directly under Nicolás Uribe was a dream come true and honestly more of a friendship was formed than I would’ve ever imagined. Aside from studying under him I quickly realized that the experience was so much more than that. I realized it was about the entire journey. It was about art and what it really means to be an artist. It was about connecting with insanely skilled humans and realizing we’re all the same. It was about getting outside of your comfort zone and pushing the limits. It was about the human connection.

It’s only a few weeks since this all happened and I’m finding myself still insanely inspired and grateful. To all of those amazing artists that I met —I’m so glad it happened. Shoutout to the inspiring and hardworking mentors. It was one of the most exciting times of my life with some of the coolest people I’ve ever met.

Everyday we started with a discussion led by the insanely talented mentors. I gotta say that Nadezda said everything that I didn’t know I needed to hear. This experience was everything I needed and even more than I knew I needed.

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Ellaya Yefymova
Artist and Doctor. Ukraine / Portugal. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist and Doctor. Ukraine / Portugal. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

So grateful for this exciting and a little bit crazy week in art quarantine on the island Lazaretto, where I was surrounded by more than 100 talented artists! Being able to create art in such a unique and isolated environment is a truly inspiring and transformative experience.It takes courage to paint in front of other artists, but it was such a great opportunity for growth and self-expression. The quarantine gave me the chance to explore new artistic techniques and ideas, relaunched my creativity and provided me the greatest inspiration.Now I’m not afraid to fuck up. Inner perfectionist is dead. We’ll never be the same.

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Janay Everett
Artist and Creative Direction. USA. Photo by © Tomàs Rotger
Artist and Creative Direction. USA. Photo by © Tomàs Rotger

Thanks for pulling the best of us and challenging us exactly the way we needed to be challenged.

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Marcello de Michele
Artist, Scientist and Musician. France / Italy. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist, Scientist and Musician. France / Italy. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

The last day in Quarantine, the first day of the rest of my life. Thank you.

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Diego Gisbert Llorens
Concept Artist and Illustrator. Germany. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Concept Artist and Illustrator. Germany. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I crossed a door to a different place. For seven days, the world stopped, and another one opened up. Now that I am back from that threshold, I am ready to meet whatever crossed that door back with me.

7 days, 100 artists, 1 location, 0 phones. I painted to my heart’s delight, at my own pace, trying out things and generating my own questions. It felt like the best parts of university all over again.Not to mention the great talks by the team of mentors, the beauty of the location and the concerts we were spoiled with almost every night. Besides, I had the pleasure of having very meaty conversations with so many talented and commited people from so many different backgrounds.

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Austyn Lewis (Aussy)
Fashion designer. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Fashion designer. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Attended Quarantine an art program on Lazaretto island in Spain. It was there I met the most amazing people- I felt like I had known each of them for lifetimes. I’ve never loved so quick and hard. I had an amazing mentor Emilio Villalba who changed my idea of what art is and who I am within it all. I learned from successful world known artist and their stories. I won’t be the same after this and I’m still digesting.

Quarantine feeling all the feelings. Thank you for this wild ride.

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Andrew Peycha
Artist. Canada. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist. Canada. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Still processing and trying to figure it all out. It’s life long struggle. lol. Such an amazing experience! Great new friends, reacquainted with old friends, and in a mind blowing environment. Thank you!!!

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Yvonne Heemskerk
Artist and Teacher. Netherlands. Photo by © Yvonne Heemskerk
Artist and Teacher. Netherlands. Photo by © Yvonne Heemskerk

I just wanted to let you know that the week at Lazaretto gave me life changing experience. I am so thankful for this wich moved me to the core and changed many things in my life already.Not only the connection with all the fireflies from over the whole world but also your effort and extremely respectful guidance and of course being able to meet all those incredible painters made it to a very powerful experience.

My week with Vincent was for me the best decision ever !! It brought me loads of new inspiration and I felt so connected with this old soul.

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Fiona Corsini
Artist. Italy. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist. Italy. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Think about beeing quarantined on an island with another 98 people who’s ambition/call/passion is making Art captained by established roll on artists as mentors sharing their path and knowledge. Yes, I was there, roller coasting between daunting doubts sparks of Hope, facing shitty work for the sake of cracking the nut of intuitive flow.

Day 1 – Pure excitement

Day 2 – Figuring out

Day 3 – Exhaustion

Day 4 – Finding sense/scope/admitted frustration

Day 5 – Having survived to day 4

Day 6 – Surfing the wave of nonsenseDay

7 – Sensing the urge of doing

It was AMAZING! Thank you to all you people of Quarantine for putting up an incredible endeavor, in a superb environment. With all the complexities that were implied and thank you to all the people who were there with me sharing the hope of beeing resuscitated on the Lazaretto island!


Alexander Fuhr
Concept Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Concept Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Spend a week on Lazaretto quarantine island. I can’t begin to express what a challenging, exhausting, incredible, and transformative experience it was.

I’ve never bonded with a group of people in such a short amount of time. MY FAMILY.


David Vegt
Artist. Canada. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist. Canada. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Still having many rounds of resonation from this trip I took to Menorca to the Island of Lazareto and met with over 100 artists from around the world. It was intense, beautiful, hard, and exhausting, but I loved it. Thanks again Quarantine for putting on such an amazing week of painting and making new friends. They are putting on another in the fall and much more to come from this great group of individuals. I highly recommend.


Madeline Brice
Artist, Curator and Gallery Director. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist, Curator and Gallery Director. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I’m back in the states and subsequently back online and I haven’t quite processed all that these last two weeks in Menorca have offered.Additionally, the individuals i met and now love can provide some great insight. im going to process and turn inward and reflect and all of those other things one does following an incredible experience. And last but not least, thank you to Nicolás Uribe for an incredible mentorship while there

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Natalia Garrido
Artist. Spain. Photo by © Natalia Garrido
Artist. Spain. Photo by © Natalia Garrido

 What you’ve accomplished wasn’t merely an artistic experience, it was a life-altering journey that has profoundly changed many of us from within. You’ve granted us the opportunity to truly be ourselves and to learn how to reach beyond our island confines. You’ve enabled us to connect with others who, at their core, are just like us, despite superficial differences. I’m at a loss for words to express my gratitude for what you’ve done.

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Jason Stein
Tattoo Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Tattoo Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Thanks Quarantine and everyone who made this truly transformative week happen. A bittersweet and emotional goodbye to Lazaretto today. I will miss this place, this experience and all the wonderful people l’ve met immensely.

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Karen Aarre
Artist. Norway. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist. Norway. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

What an extraordinary time spent in art quarantine with 100 other artists from around the world; all sharing the same passion for observation, expression and creation. The hard work, the long hours, the challenges, the love, the sharing, the laughter, the tears, the friendship, the inspiration; I have come away with my heart full. I am so grateful to Quarantine for creating this event, the generous guidance from my mentor Vincent Desiderio, and also for the inspiring master classes with Nicolás Uribe, Jeremy Mann, Nadezda, Emilio Villalba, Henrik Uldalen… and to all the open and warm people I have met! Art matters. 

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Ben Motola
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

What I’ve noticed from Quarantine is, the group that put it together, I have a strong sense that they have vision. And vision, I feel it’s very necessary in today’s world situation. We need leaders with vision. And the wonderful people that put Quarantine together, in my opinion, most definitely have vision.

“I wanna come home different” —I said to my wife. And my experience, in six days, I definitely feel different.”

John Taylor Wagner
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

I will always be moved by the incredible group of people and special setting that made up this program. Thank you Emilio Villalba for so much of your time and good energy —we couldn’t have asked for more from a mentor.

Carles, Itzi, Darren, Joan thank you. i can’t even begin to imagine everything that went into bringing this to life. And the mentors for giving us so much, Henrik Uldalen, Nicolás Uribe, Emilio Villalba, Nadezda, Vincent Desiderio and Jeremy Mann. Everyone that i met on the island, thank you for the lasting memories and friendships. Looking forward to seeing where this wave carries everyone. Love you all.

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Sangeeta Patel
Artist, Dancer and Lawyer. USA. Photo by © Sangeeta Patel
Artist, Dancer and Lawyer. USA. Photo by © Sangeeta Patel

Just returned from “quarantining” with over a 100 artists from around the world. What a gift and a life changing experience. Already missing the men and women that I got really close to over the week. You all were so inspirational!

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Stephen Dunne
Artist. Ireland. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist. Ireland. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

It was an incredible week in Menorca, painting and workshops with an inspiring mix of great people from all over the world. Perhaps it was just a dream.

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Yaya Chang
Artist. France. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist. France. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Thank you especially to the great Henrik Uldalen for his incredible mentorship. I will never forget this week.

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Oxana Moiseeva
Artist and Model. France. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist and Model. France. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Slowly getting back on Earth after unforgettable week with amazing people, Artists , I would like to thank everyone involved, that was an experience. Special thanks to talented artist and just very nice person, mentor of our group Nicolás Uribe, for leading our group and making it such a fantastic journey. Also to all the other mentors Nadezda, Emilio Villalba, Vincent Desiderio, Henrik Uldalen and Jeremy Mann. You motivate so much with your passion.

Henrik Uldalen special thanks to you, i am sure a lot of us who was not in your group felt like we were a part of it, your openness and kindness to people is beyond of everything. The souvenirs from this week i will take with me through the life and for sure will not forget!!!


Tomás Lucas
Artist — Quarantine Grant Winner. Spain. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist — Quarantine Grant Winner. Spain. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

This has been a pretty amazing and eye-opening journey, full-on intense with loads of hard work. And you know what? As the days roll on, it hits me more and more just how exceptional this whole thing is. Only time will give us the full picture to truly understand the massive shift that’s happening right now on this island.

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Wendy Wacko
Artist. Canada. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist. Canada. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

This past April was the most meaningful art event of my forty year creative journey —working outside your comfort zone is the only way to improve your craft— the mentors, the artists who attended and the organizers were all focused on making this “creative think tank” an extraordinary creative soirée.

I will certainly be back.

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Sam Fratto
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

What ya’ll are doing is a great thing that artists need. Not only was this event crazy fun and beautiful, but it was also inspiring. Being surrounded by the multitude of artistic personalities and to find myself mixed inside comfortably was incredibly validating. And I truly feel that the week has enhanced my eye, hand, and mind as an artist! Thank you for all of this.

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Lyda McLean Brown
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs
Artist. USA. Photo by © Laura Tomàs

Honestly, it was surreal to spend a week with some of the world’s best artists on an unbelievably gorgeous island where everyone was just completely open, completely human. Still digesting it everyday since…Thank you a million!!!!!!

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Andrea Morani
Life mode. Italy. Photo by © Tomàs Rotger.
Life mode. Italy. Photo by © Tomàs Rotger.

With such a hectic life I didn’t have time to integrate the Quarantine journey but I feel that breathing that atmosphere has influenced my artistic path in somehow. One of the nice things about the workshop, besides not being allowed to use the phone, was starting the day listening to a lecture given by the great master painters who conducted the workshops.

I had time to think about their speeches during my daily 6 hours of modeling and at one point a thought came to my mind: should I kill Andrea Morani Life Model?

More than one artist, in their morning talk at Quarantine, has reminded us of the importance of connecting and listening to your inner child especialy when it comes to making art.
