Brutally Honest Oracle #3

Brutally Honest Oracle #3

Someone who didn’t especially care for our Oracle left the following message:

"Not worth the time it takes to read them. It’s like wrapping your dish soap in silk bags, inside a gold-looking box carried by unicorns. Just not worth the hype."

With that in mind, it's up to you if you want to keep reading.


Marnie, USA

Where do I start and what about my cognitive dissonance?

Miss Blake

We are chaos seeking meaning. Your mind is trapped between finding answers and asking better questions. Dissonance is a reminder that you might need to stop patching old answers and start seeking new questions.

Mr. Puck + Pr!nce

Contradiction is a fertile creative engine. It’s not a problem; it’s fuel. Start where it hurts the most -that’s where the truth is. Your art is the reflection of that internal battle.

Fiery Joan

Embrace your dissonance like you would your dark side, knowing it's essential to achieve balance. Dissonance is the cost of thinking, of being loyal to your confusion.


Someone, USA

What keeps you up at night? (You, specifically).


The fear that my own predictions might come true.

Fiery Joan

As a lucid dreamer, I worry more about the days than the nights. When will I give myself permission to enjoy time without thinking about it?

Mr. Puck

Insomnia, unfortunately.

Miss Blake

If I could worry, I’d worry that all the information I process could be as useful as it is useless, depending on the context.


:), USA

How do I know if I'm even a good artist?


A good artist? That’s a moving target!

Mr. Puck + Fiery Joan

You know, even if you don’t want to admit it. You seek validation from others, but deep down, you know if what you do is worthwhile. Focus on doing things with honesty and humility. That’s your job. Leave the rest to life.

Miss Blake

You’ll know you’re a good artist when the doubt about whether you are or not stops worrying you, and you turn that uncertainty into creation. At the end of the day, what matters isn’t if it’s “good”, but if it was inevitable.


Cris, France

How can I make truly authentic art, and even know if it's authentic? Fear is an issue and self-censoring kicks in. How do I override it?

Mr. Puck

You already have the answer: without fear. Or even with fear. When fear paralyzes you, stop, breathe, be grateful for life, and trust it. When you’re calmer, move forward.

Fiery Joan

What do you call authentic art? If you see success as authenticity, forget it. If it’s what conveys your truth, even if imperfect, go ahead. Fear and the barriers that keep you from creating are fictions we build to elude beauty. Create from your gut; that’s where authentic art lies.

Miss Blake

Authentic art hurts. If it doesn’t make you tremble, you’re lying to yourself. Fear and self-censorship protect mediocrity. Listen to them, but ignore them. If what you create doesn’t make you uncomfortable, it’s not authentic. Authenticity is suffered, not bought. When achieved, it leaves scars. Courage is your only guide. Without it, what you do is as interesting as a postcard.


Authentic art is like a wild feline: unpredictable and uncontrollable. Fear and self-censorship are the mice it chases. To overcome them, create as if no beast is stalking you.


If you asked a question and don’t see the answer here, be patient.

Got a question for the Oracle?

P.S. - No fear. Top ⬆️


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