Brutally Honest Oracle #1

Brutally Honest Oracle #1

Social media is broken.

So, we created a magical line of communication that may or might catch your eye.

Introducing the Brutally Honest Oracle for artists seeking answers, not solutions.

You ask a question, and a super team of coaches and mentors answers every fortnight with brutal honesty.

But let me tell you a truly indispensable quality for this oracle to work: the answers must be anonymous.

You will never know who's on the other side of the crystal ball.

If you knew which mentor was responding, the oracle would be corrupted, just like social media.

For more on how this magic works, read the FAQ.

No more fluff, here are the answers:


Natalia. Spain

Will I ever learn to paint like I want to?

Fiery Joan

Do you already know what you want? The best thing that can happen is to NEVER paint exactly as you want. The day you do, you'll stop painting.

Miss Blake

Desire craves fulfillment, but it’s better to have desires that are like the horizon—always receding as you approach.

The desire that provides life keeps its tension and is never completed, like an irrational number: always infinite.

Mr. Puck

As a demanding artist and a sincere oracle, the answer is NO. And thank goodness, because as we approach a goal, a greater one always appears.

As long as there's something unattainable, there will be good art.


Grace. England

Is sculpture still relevant when graphic, more immediate art seems to prevail?

Mr. Puck

Yes, just like love in times of hate, truth in times of lies, and commitment in times of superficiality.

Fiery Joan

Don't ask if sculpture is relevant in this vast world. Ask if it’s relevant to you. If sculpture is your voice, then its song is what matters. Only then can it be relevant to the world.


Crossroads. USA

Hi oracle. I’m at a crossroads. (…) My question is -at 31 years on this earth, and no significant savings or expected windfalls, how bad of an idea is it to go back to school to learn art? Particularly concept art, matte art, or game art. Should I just stick with art on the side and work a normal, tolerable job? Thank you 🙏

Pr!nce & Mr. Puck

Learning is a necessary adventure at any age. I won’t tell you whether to pursue art professionally or to be cautious. It's your choice and your risk. Making art is making art -you don’t have to be a professional. You need not prove to anyone that you know the alchemy of turning art into money.

So make art. Create! The world needs artists like you.

Fiery Joan

Will you be happy with a “normal” job? What percentage of yourself would you be sacrificing if you stuck with the comfort of a 9 to 5 job?


Maya. USA

How do you keep moving forward with confidence when you have no idea what lies ahead?


Life is your one canvas -don't let fear keep it blank. As Robert Henri said, 'The object isn't to make art, it's to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable.' Embrace the unknown, release any and all expectations placed upon you, paint boldly, and remember: Standing still is not an option in such a fleeting life!

Mr. Puck

St. John of the Cross said, "To come to what you are not, you must go by a way in which you are not"

Miss Blake

Use fear as a compass; like this:


Charlene. Canada

Who am I actually?

Fiery Joan

You are who you decide to be. You are who you remember being. Your actions, words, and gestures will determine how others see you, but who you really are is only up to you.

Miss Blake: You are the reflection of those who look at you. If you don't like it, change the mirror.


Dawn. USA

Does anyone actually look at your submission when you submit to calls or galleries, or do they just make money off of the submission without even looking at it?

Fiery Joan

Do you send your submissions as if they’re all the same?

Miss Blake

There are two types of submissions: to contests and to galleries. There is a difference…

Good contests are fair. The fees cover advertising, management, and prizes. If they have a good reputation, it's worth it. You’re paying for a real opportunity.

But never pay a gallery. Vanity galleries charge artists who are desperate to build their résumé. Their business is your vanity, your desperation. No serious collector buys from these galleries. What value can something have that is only available by paying?

Serious contests, yes. Galleries that charge, no.


Miguel. Spain

Next fall I will be teaching at an academy for first time, and I need to create a program based on oil portrait. I feel a bit insecure... Oracle please help 🙏

Fiery Joan

Harnessed insecurity can make you a very good teacher. Reflect, share with those who can lend a hand, and dive headfirst into the adventure with fear and confidence.

Miss Blake

Stop for a moment. Which teachers do you remember the most? Mostly those who made you feel curious, alive, and capable. Right?

If you want to be a good teacher, provoke curiosity in your students. If you succeed, they will learn on their own.

A good teacher ignites a flame that the student turns into fire. It doesn't matter how much firewood you give them if you don't ignite their flame.

Invert the classroom: Let the students speak. Listen to them carefully.

Assess what you want them to achieve.

Evaluate their freedom and they will be free.

Evaluate their curiosity and they will learn on their own. And they will remember you.

And when they remember you, perhaps, they will also become good teachers.

Do the world a favor and be this type of teacher. Do it with fear, but do it.



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